Hi {!firstname_fix}!
Ha ha ha…
It’s funny to me when some new marketing stud makes that claim.
Email marketing is dead.
Oh no! What will we do now, oh 30-day-self-proclaimed guru? Show me the way to the golden road of ninja marketing!
It’s funny because it’s idiotic, and incorrect.
It’s also irresponsible marketing.
I know, I know, they say it only because they’re trying to sell you on the latest $17 gadget gizmo that doesn’t actually work.
It’s negative marketing that works on folks that don’t know better.
But we know better, right?… right? Please say ‘yes’.
I’m not going to give you statistics (because I’m too lazy to look them up), but email is what internet marketing is built on TOP of.
Anyways, doesn’t really matter to me, tell them that email marketing is dead, I don’t really care.
I’m happy to re-direct all that money into my own pocket every day – and I will.
You see, most people are looking for the shortcut (which doesn’t exist) to making money online.
But.. all you have to do is spend the time and money to learn how to sell via email (the right way) and you can write your own paycheck for as long as you want.
See, that’s what the smart people do. There’s not many, but they’re out there.
You just need to learn from someone that actually DOES it (and not just claims to do it).
Not just theory, but “this-actually-happens-to-me” facts.
Up to you, though.
Maybe you’ll believe that email marketing is dead, or that the earth is flat, or that your lottery ticket numbers WILL come up… next time.
Or… ?
Want to double, or triple, your daily sales, using email?
ANY business, offline or online. ANY industry.
I am accepting new subscribers for this.
This is the good stuff. The stuff that will change your life, and how you look at internet marketing.
It’s exactly what I’ve done to drive over $4M in online sales.
Oh, and this is STILL what I do every day.
Simple, but awesome, emails.
3m27sec video explains. Watch/read closely. Easier than you think.
Have a great day,
Fred Raley
Average People, Doing Simple Tasks, Making Extraordinary Income
p.s. Need Leads? See my Leads Blog Post
p.p.s. Resources I recommend: See my Resources Blog Post Updated