Say Hi to a Vet… here’s why

I went to the military commissary yesterday to pick up a few things.

As usual, I picked up a few things… every few feet… and ended up with a basket full of groceries and assorted stuff.

At the checkout, the cashier was especially friendly, commenting on my USNA ring and how she would love for her kids to go there.

She thanked me for my service…

My eyes welled up with tears slightly thinking what a kind thought.

Wheeling my basket out of the store, I saw it had started raining so cursed slightly under my breath.

Proceeded on with my sweatshirt hood pulled up over my head to keep my glasses dry.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw an old man sitting against the front of the building with his head in his hands.

No one else was around.

I guessed he might have been the father of a daughter who was in the store shopping.

I figured there was a better-than-average chance the old man was a military vet.

I detoured my cart over toward him and said “Thanks for your service sir!”

He looked up, cocked his head and smiled…

Made my day.

“Same to you young man”, he said (I’m 63… nice to be known as “young”)

It was nice to know I gave him a nice thought for the day.

That’s what Veterans Day is all about… recognizing the service of all veterans.

Tell a veteran thanks this week!

It might just make their day… and yours…


It’s meaningful events like these that you remember in life.

If you don’t have enough time or cash to do what you want, when you want, consider this solution.

I take 20 minutes per day to send an email like this that brings in cash.

Something you could do… if you want to.

This short 3m27sec video explains simply how you can weave this into your life to bring in more income and quality family time.

It’s worth investigating don’t you think?

3m27sec video explains.  Watch/read closely.  Easier than you think.

Have a great day,
Fred Raley
Average People, Doing Simple Tasks, Making Extraordinary Income

p.s.  Need Leads?  See my Leads Blog Post Updated

p.p.s.  Resources I recommend:  See my Resources Blog Post

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